As in I wouldn't dare wake my sleeping baby, but I would do just about anything to STOP her from waking 6+ times a night! That's right, last night she was up every hour after midnight. Matt and I are both exhausted, and I feel somewhat like I am running on fumes. In fact, I don't know why I'm still up right now. I should be sleeping! But I wanted to share a couple of cute pictures with you before I hit the hay. I have recently discovered that Caitlyn looks STUNNING in hats (I couldn't be more proud, now could I?). I mean I love her mohawk and all; she really does know how to rock it out, but put a hat on that girl and all of a sudden the cuteness goes to a whole new level. Now prepare yourself and hold on to your socks! :) Here's her little strawberry seersucker outfit courtesy of Angie, and perfect for Derby day, hat and all:

I think she looks like she's wanting to eat the strawberries right off her dress.
And here she is in her little "flapper hat" as Matt calls it. She kills me. KILLS me! :) Have a great week everyone!

Oh yeah, and seriously, if you have any tips/suggestions to get her to sleep through the night, or at least only wake up once, I am all ears. We are seriously regressing over here. Thanks!!