Well, I can't believe it, but my baby is four months old now! And I am 27. Somehow, I wasn't as excited celebrating this year as I have been in the past. Although I am very happy with where my life is at 27. I feel very blessed to have a wonderful family and a beautiful, healthy, BIG daughter! Here are some pictures from this weekend. We went up to Rochester to celebrate Easter and my birthday with my mom and dad, and also got to see a lot of other family. Caitlyn got to meet many aunts and cousins for the first time, as well as her great-grandparents. That was really special for me. Here are a couple pictures from our visit. Notice Caitlyn's TRIPLE chin. Good thing she's a baby and cute as a button. Although today at the doctor's office, one of the staff members said to us upon seeing Caitlyn in the car seat: "Aww look at that baby. How old is she? 4 months? She has such A BIG HEAD!" Who says stuff like that, even if it is true?
We are going for her 4 month check-up on Friday and I'm afraid Dr. Poole will say she's too big! As my mom often reminds me, they had to put me on a diet when I was a baby (!) and I don't think that will go over too well with Caitlyn. And anyway, I think the chubs are cute. :)
Enjoy the pictures!