Well, we have Caitlyn home again with us after another hospital stay. She is a whole, healthy baby! On Thursday, March 5th, Caitlyn had her ileostomy takedown surgery at Kentucky Children's Hospital. The surgery was very successful, and Caitlyn came home with us on Monday. So we no longer have to empty or change a colostomy bag, and we actually have poopy diapers! I never thought I could be so excited for a dirty diaper as I was the first time she pooped. And the funny thing was, she did it like it was no big thing, like she'd been doing it her whole life! I thought at the very least she would cry or make a funny face or something, but she acted as if nothing had changed. And then of course, didn't understand what all the fuss was about when we all started celebrating. :)
I am so so glad to be home from the hospital, and enjoying our little girl where she can be comfortable. She has grown so much in the last few weeks, and she is learning something new every day. She smiles all the time now, and does this funny little silent giggle where she grins really big and crinkles up her eyes. My favorite thing in the world is to kiss her and watch her smile. She is truly incredible.

Caitlyn in the hospital with Mom and Grandpa

Caitlyn's goofy grin