So today Caitlyn decided that she finally wants to start trying to roll over. For the longest time, we weren't doing any "tummy time" with her because it seemed uncomfortable for her with the stoma and colostomy bag. Now that she's healing up pretty well from the surgery, we have started putting her on her belly more, and she will tolerate it for up to five minutes at a time. She still is not really able to hold her head up real well, and her neck control is not great, but it's improving. So today she was laying on her activity mat and playing with the toys, and she kept rolling her head over on to her side. She could get her torso over on her side too, but the legs kept giving her trouble. It's awfully cute seeing her try though! It seems to me like she's doing something new every day. It's only since we've been home from the hospital that she has been purposefully grabbing on to toys, etc. Now she pulls my hair pretty much every time I'm holding her, and today she tried to yank off my glasses. It makes me laugh now, but I know that soon I will have to start telling her no and actually mean it. :)
I am trying to enjoy every minute I have with her, because I know that soon I will be back at work full time, and then I will only have 2 hours a day with her. This makes me so sad, but I know that we are doing what is best for her in the long run. Namely making sure she has continuous health insurance coverage. I just have to keep reminding myself that once Matt finishes school and is in residency, then hopefully I will be able to stay home with the kid(s?). Good thing this is a team effort!