So I have officially started back to work. I am still only part-time,but I am splitting my time between the office and working from home. It is definitely a challenge to balance everything and get back in the swing of things, especially since volunteer training is starting on Friday and that always entails a ton of details to coordinate. Since I am splitting the job with a co-worker right now, that means making sure that nothing falls through the cracks. I'm hoping that everything goes smoothly, at least as well as can be expected. We are actually having a much bigger training than I expected, which is a pleasant surprise. We have 20 potentials scheduled to start on Friday. I was hoping for 10, so that's great. It sets us up really well for the rest of the year.
The thing I'm most nervous about now is the weather. It is a nightmare to try and re-schedule if we have to cancel training, so I'm just praying that this ice storm goes away and it warms up enough to melt everything.
I've been making lots of phone calls from home to check references on potential volunteers. It's great to have the flexibility to do this from home, but it's hard too, because I want to be spending as much time as possible with Caitlyn. It's kind of funny too when the dog barks or C starts crying and the other person on the line can hear it... Also, Matt has been sick the last few days with a nasty cold, and we are trying to keep him away from her as much as possible so she doesn't get sick too.
All in all, it has been and will be a hectic week with work and Caitlyn. We have several doctor's appointments coming up for her too, so I'm hoping for lots of good news.