September 9, 2010
It has been nearly a year since I posted on this blog. I guess maybe I'm not cut out for long-term blogging? But I recently read someone else's blog that was extremely inspiring to me, and reminded me of how I felt when we were dealing with all the challenges that come with a critically ill newborn. Reading back over what I wrote also made me realize that this was a great outlet for me to keep track of some of Caitlyn's milestones. I read things on here that I had already forgotten, and it made me smile.

So maybe I am poking my toes back in the blogging waters? I haven't decided yet. I am now entering the second trimester of my second pregnancy, and if possible, life is more hectic than ever, so we will see. But I do need to say out loud, that I am so blessed. I feel blessed beyond belief to have a happy, healthy toddler. She is smart, precocious, beautiful, and challenges me more than I ever imagined.

Parenting is by far the most challenging, and rewarding, thing I have I have ever done in my life. Caitlyn has always been a strong-willed fighter - that's what helped her survive the first few weeks of life, and it continues to define her today (much to my delight and dismay). I love being her mother, and I also feel much of the time like I have no earthly idea what I'm doing!

Some quick milestones from this summer: Caitlyn started talking in earnest at about 18 months, and has never stopped since. She now speaks in 6+ word sentences, and astounds me everyday with her observations and insights. The other day, Matt was blocking the door and she wanted to get through. She very politely said, "excuse me, Daddy."

She also has recently started saying bedtime prayers, and will pray sometimes at mealtime. These prayers usually go something like this, "Pray Jesus, thank you for the food. Pray Jesus for food." Or at bedtime, "Thank you Jesus for GG (great-grandparents) and Baxter and Marco (dogs), and acrobats and clowns (after our first trip to the circus). Thank you Jesus for Mommy and Daddy and Caitlyn!!!!" She always ends on a very enthusiastic note.

Caitlyn is almost completely potty trained. She started showing interest sometime around the beginning of the summer, and I bought her first big-girl panties about a month ago. She occasionally has accidents, but has been completely accident-free for the past two days (that's my girl!).

At 21 months old (today! Oh my!!), I feel like she is not-yet-two, but going on 22. Sometimes it's hard to remember that even though she can carry on a complete conversation with you, she still reasons like a not-yet-two-year-old. It can be difficult not to get frustrated with that aforementioned extremely strong will.

And how is new baby (as I affectionately refer to our new baby until we have a gender to assign. I have never liked calling a baby "it")? So far, so good. I am entering my second trimester next week, and have been blessed with an extremely healthy,fairly easy pregnancy so far. Little nausea, although lots of fatigue. Overall though, I am feeling pretty good when I'm not freaking out about how in the world I'm going to juggle two children, a full-time job, and a husband finishing medical school and doing two months of away rotations in Ohio or Texas next fall. It's the not freaking out part that's getting to me these days, but I am trying to stay as calm and rational as possible. Let me tell you, that's super easy when you are already frazzled, and then add lovely pregnancy hormones and lame-brain to the mix.

So this post has turned into a book, and I am realizing that I actually really enjoyed writing it all out again. No promises, but (maybe) I will become a (semi)regular poster again? We will see. If you made it this far, God bless you.