I think I need a vacation from my vacation! This weekend, I.... helped shovel 10 tons of gravel, mixed and poured concrete, planted flowers, painted flower boxes, shopped for baby stuff, assembled an Exersaucer, "wore" my baby, got "wore out" by my baby, changed about 50 diapers, fed Caitlyn sbout 50 times, sang 100 lullabies, read who knows how many books, and got less than 6 hours of sleep a night. Phew! I'm exhausted just typing that!
It was a great, but very busy weekend. I see many many more of these in the future...
The patio is coming along great. It was a way bigger undertaking than any of us anticipated, but hopefully will be worth it when it's finished. It looks beautiful already, and I know it will be awesome when done. I will post before and after pics as soon as we have an "After" to post. :)

Oh and a couple of Caitlyn firsts this weekend too: She is officially rolling from front to back on her own. I thought she was before, but I realize now i was cheating and giving her too much assistance. :) She's really got the hang of it now. Also, she is cutting her first tooth. And now I understand why they call it that - it's sharp when she bites down! And finally, she ate in her highchair for the first time this morning. My little girl is growing up fast!!!